Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Farewell, Best Friends, Icha, Eka, Fenny, Medan

August 10th, 2007

I cried. God, I don’t know why suddenly I drop the tears. As the bus left and I look at Kak Icha for the last time, I cried. I guess it wasn’t for her only, but for Medan and the people I know. I’ve no idea when I will ever coming back again, this might be the last time I saw Medan. I will miss it.

So now I’ve lost Kak Icha. I’ve lost 3 bestfriends. Eka, Fenny, and Kak Icha. I never that I meant so much for her. I thought we were just good friend, cuz she has lots of close friends at her college and we know each other for a year only, but the message she sent me says that I meant a lot for her. If only I knew earlier, I would treat her more than just a good friend.

Aku sangat menyesal ketika aku kehilangan Eka. Aku tidak memanfaatkan waktu dengannya dengan sebaik-baiknya karena saat itu kupikir kami tidak akan berpisah lama. Kupikir walaupun aku di Medan dan dia di Jambi, kami akan bertemu kembali saat liburan dan lebaran. Dia pasti akan pulang ke Kerinci bersama keluarganya. Tapi ternyata semua tak seperti yang kupikirkan. Dia memang pernah pulang ke Kerinci, but in different circumstance, she came with her husband and her little boy. I didn’t come to see her on her marriage, I wasn’t there when I know she needed to talk with me. Things are completely different now. I miss those days when she used to sleep at mine and we talked all night about the future, school, and (of course) boys…

Fenny, she’s my angel. I felt like i’m complete when she’s around. I don’t need anybody cuz I got her. I remember that we used to escape OM’s class cuz it’s really boring. We used to sit together, going anywhere together. We’ve known each other in our freshman year, but feels like we’ve known each other from long ago. And she left me cuz she was accepted in UNSYIAH in our sophomore year. She left. And (again!), I wasn’t there to watch her left, to say goodbye. I miss her.

Medan, huh…entah kapan aku bisa kembali lagi. Aku sudah di sini selama 4 tahun 1 bulan. Medan sudah seperti kampung halamanku. Aku ingat dulu ketika orangtuaku melarangku untuk kuliah di USU dan memaksaku untuk kuliah di Padang atau Jambi, tapi aku menolak keras. Aku ingin di Medan, aku merasa inilah kesempatanku untuk keluar. Kalau aku di Jambi atau di Padang, itu sama saja dengan di Kerinci, artinya aku masih diintervensi oleh keluargaku sehingga aku tak bisa bebas menentukan hidupku.

Dan aku tak tahu apakah aku akan kembali ke Medan suatu hari nanti, apa aku masih bisa main-main ke pajus, tempat hang-out favoritku.

I’m gonna miss it.

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